Sunday, June 2, 2013


just so everyone knows this THE REV-----

i would like to extend my deepest love and gratitude to all the little heroes who came out this Sunday. and treated me like FAMILY! i dont think i ever had a better reception. we are going to have alot fun together in the future. i can just feel it. i really had a awesome time shaking everyone hand and looking out to ALL your ROCKIN faces. as im reminded by superman........THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!

again really seriously i do appreciate you all coming out and spending your time and money with us. we are so grateful for this opportunity TO ROCK WITH YOU!!! without you we would be in a garage....thank you for making our dreams come true.........
AND TILL NEXT TIME>>>>CHICAGO LOOP STREAMWOOD JULY 20th!!  im working on my ideas right now as we speak. im thinking purple. what do you think? feel free to tell me yours ideas and i just might make it happan. crazier the better. you know how THE REV rolls.

And always remember THE BOX out


  1. Purple is the best color & so is black! Just sayin! ;-)

    1. but what about accent rhinestones???

    2. With purple...lime green accents.
      With black...purple accents with rhinestones...bling, bling

  2. i think we seen you blowen in the was stupid hott!!!
